

Apr 06, 2023 链得得官方账号

摘要: 本次活动将与全球DID赛道的项目方、优秀创业者、投资机构会晤,共同探讨2023年DID行业发展趋势、展望虚拟资产的可能性,欢迎参加香港线下活动,共同点燃香港朝气蓬勃的Web3生态。



本次「Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023」也将吸引超过百家热门Web3项目、社区及媒体现场参展。同时作为2023香港Web3嘉年华的重要活动之一,由亚洲区块链学会 MixTrust  链得得 主办的DID赛道主题活动将于4月12日晚举行。 



  • 时间:2023年4月12日 19:00-21:30
  • 地点:香港游艇会
  • 邀约确认制   谢绝空降
  • 严格控制人数:100人
  • 主办方: 亚洲区块链学会 MixTrust  链得得
  • 联合主办:MATRIX   iPollo   .Bit   TokenPocket  香港区块链协会           CryptoLeadershipAssociation
  • 协办方: AC Capital  Bixiaobai  斜杠力 本然人才社群   纵横艺术ZHART                中国东方文化研究会数字文化产业委员会        
  • 支持媒体:ODAILY  CoinVoice  北美财经


Mixtrust:MixTrust is a decentralised one-stop service platform focused on the Web3 DeFi space. Built on artificial intelligence technology, the platform integrates modules such as digital identity, decentralised crypto wallet, Web3 social and AI financial services, while using the latest cross-chain technology to support mainstream public chains such as Ether, Arbitrum, Aptos, NULS and others to use MixTrust's services as well as asset synthesis and cross-chain transfers.

MATRIX :Matrix AI Network was founded by a team of young professionals in Hong Kong in 2017.

At Matrix 1.0, we built a public blockchain that is functional and reliable with high performance. At Matrix 2.0, we leveraged data, computer power, and AI models to create a decentralized AI economy platform.

Since December 2022, we have been into Matrix 3.0, combining Neuroscience, AI, and Blockchain technology for Avatar Intelligence (AvI). Essentially, we use brain signals coupled with AI to create a very own digital avatar in the Web 3 setting. This allows users to perform various tasks in a virtual world.

Matrix AI Network is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the blockchain space.

iPollo:iPollo is the world’s first metaverse infrastructure service provider, featured with real-time rendering and AIGC ability, committed to realizing an open social and immersive experience in the 3D Metaverse world, creating a new Web 3.0 lifestyle.

.Bit: .bit is a project dedicated to assisting each individual and community to unlock their potential and discover more possibilities through the exploration of self-sovereign identity.

.bit (https://did.id) is the only cross-chain unified DID protocol product, based on a unique technical architecture that allows .bit to serve users from more than just Web3. With the ability to verify signatures through different asymmetric encryption algorithms, .bit allows users to manage and control their .bit accounts using public chain addresses, email addresses, and even custom passwords and biometric data from their mobile devices.

.bit is determined to build the most practical and applicable suite of infrastructure tools to protect the rights granted by the sovereignty of each individual identity in the world.

TokenPocket: TokenPocket is the world’s leading multi-chain self-custodial wallet, which supports mainstream public chains including BTC, ETH, BSC, TRON, Polygon, Arbitrum, Solana, Aptos, HECO, Klaytn, Avalanche, OKC, Fantom, Polkadot, Kusama, etc. The trinity of TokenPocket mobile wallet, chrome extension wallet, and hardware wallet has been formally formed. The Secret Recovery Phrase and Private Key are stored in the user’s own device and the user can fully control his own crypto assets. TokenPocket has provided reliable services for over 20 million users around the world. The number of monthly active users exceeds 3.5 million and the users are located in more than 200 countries around the world.

ChainDD:ChainDD, Inc. as a global media and fintech company, provides direct access to blockchain innovation and digital asset investment through accurate and timely delivery of blockchain-oriented business and financial insights and services to individuals and institutions around the world.

We are the neural network of the blockchain ecosystem and a gateway to China’s market.



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